The team
Team Members

Dov (Dubi) Godinger
Wide experience in management of international agricultural projects.
Vast experience in the world of seeds.
Former deputy manager for sales & marketing in “Hazera”.
Founder and Vice President of “OriGene Seeds”.

Dr. Yonatan(Yoni) Elkind

Dr. Tamar Schor- Fumbarov
15 years experience of in Blocky pepper breeding as a senior breeder. Comprehensive program management from the development stage to the fruit stage.

Hezi Kalo
30 Years of Vegetable seeds product development and agrotechnical support of Blocky pepper.

Pablo Mendoza
Pablo Mendoza
Vast experience working as a vegetable’s grower around Mexico in companies like: “Canelos & Eduardo de la Vega” farms.
He Reached important goals in those agriculture companies as “Syngenta” and “Sakata” working in positions such as sales and marketing.

Dr. Jorge Carlos Berny Mier y Teran
Experience plant breeder in diverse crops including pepper, tomatoes and beans.

Pablo Mendoza
Dr. Eyal Bdolah
13 years of experience in field experiments, plant phenotype and data analysis. Vast experience in plant physiology and genetics.

Edit Glick
25 years experience of the Blocky pepper breeding as a member of the university team. Comprehensive program management from the development stage to the fruit stage.
Specialist in virus screening of pepper genotypes.